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$1.04 Million Verdict – Assault & Battery against Former Prosecutor Joe Morrissey


July 19, 2002 — Virginia civil rights attorney, Thomas H. Roberts left the court house on Thursday, July 19, 2002 gratified that justice had been carried out.  In response to the press, Roberts stated “I think justice has been done, my client is vindicated.  I hope that Joe Morrissey learns a lesson from this and I wish him the best in the future.”

Roberts stated that he had repeatedly sought to reconcile the parties, yet he had been unsuccessful.  Although Roberts asked Morrissey to apologize and to accept responsibility for his actions against Garien Wycoff and make restitution, Morrissey remained convinced that he could beat the case against him in a court room.  Morrissey proved to be wrong–the jury awarded $1.04 Million against him after several days of trial.

Roberts concluded “Nobody is above the law.”

Tom Roberts, Esq.


February 24, 2003 — “Upon review of the record in this case and consideration of the argument submitted in support of and in opposition to the granting of an appeal, the Court is of opinion there is no reversible error in the judgment complained of.  Accordingly, the Court refuses the petition for appeal.”  Thomas H. Roberts, Esq. stated “With this confirmation by the Virginia Supreme Court, it is time for people to accept responsibility for their actions–we will see.”

Pleadings in Henrico (337.66KB – pdf)

Order of the Virginia Supreme Court (99.29KB  – pdf)

Brief Filed In Opposition to Petition of Morrissey (352.09KB – pdf)

Judgment Order (28.57KB – pdf)

Judge Hammond’s Opinion (70.75KB – pdf)

Excerpt of Morrissey Testimony (131.94KB – pdf)

Criminal Conviction of Morrissey (54.37KB – pdf)

Decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit Affirming the Disbarment of Joseph D. Morrissey (106.92KB – pdf)

Decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit Affirming Revocation of Probation and 90 days Imprisonment of Joseph D. Morrissey (17.94KB – pdf)

In re Morrissey, 996 F. Supp. 530

Decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit Affirming Conviction of Joseph D. Morrissey for Criminal Contempt (42.57KB – pdf)

U.S. Supreme Court Denies Petition for Writ of Cert (134.56KB – pdf)

U.S. Brief in Opposition to Petition by Joseph D. Morrissey (58.56KB – pdf)

Matters related to the Virginia State Bar

License of Respondent, Joseph D. Morrissey, to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia, be, and the same hereby is, REVOKED, effective April 25, 2003

Oct 29 2002 (102.36KB – pdf)

Other VSB

References to This Matter in Australia

Morrissey’s Attempt in Australia – April 26, 2006

“Punch the Defence”    –   Full Aricle

Nothing but the full gory truth will do” – Article

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