Unlock the Freedom of Information with a FOIA Attorney in Virginia
Virginia Freedom of Information (FOIA) guarantees that citizens have access to information to provide transparency to the workings of the government. Virginia FOIA Attorney Andrew Bodoh is the leading FOIA expert on Virginia FOIA.
A Virginia FOIA Litigator and Compliance Consultant
Virginia FOIA Attorney Andrew Bodoh, literally wrote the book on Virginia FOIA! The Virginian’s Guide to FOIA is available on Amazon!
What is FOIA in Virginia?
Our system of government protects liberty through accountability and citizen participation.
Government transparency laws are a critical part of that. The Virginia Freedom of Information Act (Virginia FOIA) ensures citizens of Virginia the opportunity to witness local, regional, and state governments in action through access to public meetings and access to public records. It requires public bodies to make many of their records available for copying and inspection within a week of a request for the records, and it requires boards and councils to hold most of their deliberations and all of their final votes at public meetings.
The Virginia Freedom of Information Act/FOIA is a state law that provides citizens with a right to access public records held by government agencies in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is designed to ensure the public has access to information in the possession of public officials and agencies. The law applies to all levels of government, including state, local, and regional agencies. It also applies to quasi–governmental entities such as public universities, public hospitals, and public utilities.
Virginia Citizen's Rights under Virginia FOIA
Virginia citizens have rights under the Virginia FOIA. You have the right to attend and record meetings of deliberative public bodies, and to know why the public body is going into a closed session. You have the right to a prompt written response to any request for public records. If the public body withhold the records under the law, you have a right to know what law they are relying on. If a public body denies you your rights under the Virginia FOIA, you can enforce your rights in the courts. But before you do this, though, talk to our experienced and creative Virginia FOIA attorneys.
You need a FOIA Litigator to fight Government under Virginia FOIA
Virginia Freedom of Information Act
Virginia Open Records Requests
Virginia Public Records Access
Virginia FOIA Requests 5. FOIA Virginia
Virginia FOIA Law
Virginia Government Records
Access Virginia Government Records
FOIA Virginia Government Records
Virginia FOIA Resources
Don’t fight the public bodies alone. Call us now for a 10 minute telephone consultation. We can tell you if the public body is complying with the law. We can explain the many options available to you if they are not. Best of all, you sue the public body and win your case, the public body may be required to repay to you all your attorney fees and costs. Call us now.
Read about some of our recent cases:
FOIA & Employment Info of Officers
Richmond Times-Dispatch, Judge rules town of Waverly violated FOIA
Richmond Times-Dispatch, Judge rules town of Waverly violated FOIA
The Hopewell News, Judge’s ruling says discussion on mayor seat in closed session was improper
Madison Eagle, County FOIA cases resolved