Posts Tagged ‘whistle blower’
Summary of Virginia Whistleblower laws
0March 24, 2020 by Tom Roberts, Esq.
Does Virginia have “Whistle-Blower” protection? Yes. An employee of Virginia state or local governments have protection against retaliation or discipline …
keep readingCategory Civil Rights, Employment Law, FOIA, Freedom of Speech and Press | Tags: 1st amendment protection for government employee, virginia whistleblower, whistle blower, whistleblower
Are public employees protected against discharge and retaliation for things they say as a citizen?
0February 20, 2013 by Tom Roberts, Esq.
Are public employees protected against discharge and retaliation for things they say as a citizen? Public employees do not shed …
keep readingCategory Civil Rights, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech and Press | Tags: 1st Amendment to the US Constitution, City of Richmond, City of Richmond Police, Civil Rights Law Firm, first amendment speech, Free Speech, government employee speech, retaliation for 1st Amendment, retaliation for First Amendment, retaliation for speech, Richmond Police, Thomas H. Roberts, US Constitution, Virginia Constitution, whistle blower, whistleblower