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‘Criminal Law’ Category

  1. Overturn My Conviction Based Upon Newly Discovered Evidence!


    October 30, 2024 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    Get Out of Jail!

    Overturning a conviction in Virginia based on newly discovered evidence involves a few specific legal steps – Seek Legal Help!

  2. Statute of Limitations for Virginia Civil Penalties


    June 4, 2024 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    Statutory Civil Penalties assessed in Virginia, barring any express statute otherwise, have a 1 year statute of limitations, under VA …
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  3. Richmond Police Department Stop Black Drivers Disproportionately


    February 14, 2024 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    “Driving While Black” in Richmond City It’s official – “Black drivers have a problem in Richmond, Virginia. Richmond Police Department …
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  4. Is the Virginia state stalking statute unconstitutional?


    November 11, 2023 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    Is the statute overly broad under the First Amendment, and facially unconstitutional? State stalking statutes unconstitutionally chill speech in violation …
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  5. I just want to consult a Virginia lawyer!


    August 24, 2023 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    Zoom Legal Consultation with Virginia Lawyer! Sometimes you just need to speak to a Virginia attorney!  You may have called …
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    July 25, 2022 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    What is proof beyond a reasonable doubt in Virginia? Must exclude every reasonable hypothesis of innocence and be consistent only …
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  7. How do I get a copy of the search warrant, affidavit and return


    March 4, 2020 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    So, the police have searched your home but didn’t give you a copy of the warrant, the affidavit upon which …
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  8. Successful Defense of High Profile Criminal Case – Dinwiddie County


    February 8, 2018 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    February 7, 2018 – Civil rights attorney Tom Roberts successfully defended  former Dinwiddie County Deputy Hector Jimenez in a high …
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  9. Is “floating the title” or “title jumping” legal?


    March 23, 2017 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    Q:  Is it lawful to buy a car from one person, obtain the title without filling in the name of …
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  10. 5-6-2016- Election Fraud Criminal Charges Dismissed against Charles City Sheriff Candidate


    May 6, 2016 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    Election Fraud Charges against Charles City County Sheriff Candidate Vance Richards Dismissed. 5-6-2016 Attorney Tom Roberts together with an associate …
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  11. Virginia Construction Law Firm Explains Construction Fraud


    January 23, 2016 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    What is the difference between construction fraud and breach of contract under Va. Code 18.2-200.1? Fraud to obtain an advance. …
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  12. Freaky Friday Halloween Decision – Drink and operate your car radio on your property may result in DUI conviction


    November 3, 2014 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    Seriously? – Listening to the radio in your car in a private driveway while drinking is illegal in Virginia??? (While …
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  13. Overview of Special Grand Jury In Virginia


    December 11, 2013 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    SPECIAL GRAND JURIES IN VIRGINIA Special grand juries have substantial power to conduct an investigation and limited power to return …
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  14. Can the police search my vehicle without a warrant?


    October 17, 2013 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    En Español Q. Can the police search my car without a warrant? A. Yes, if the car is readily mobile …
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  15. Can I be convicted for republishing information related to matters of public concern where the information was illegally obtained by a stranger?


    October 6, 2013 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    Q.  Can I be properly convicted for republishing information related to matters of public concern where the information was illegally …
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  16. Can I keep my handgun or firearm in the secured but unlocked glove box or console of my car in Virginia?


    July 15, 2013 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    Q. Is it legal to have a handgun or other firearm in the unlocked but secured glove box or console …
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  17. Challenging Local Criminal Ordinances In Virginia


    July 8, 2013 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    Challenging Local Criminal Ordinances in Virginia Attacking the Validity of a Local Ordinance – A Good Defense! The best defense …
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  18. Can I sue the prosecutor or the Commonwealth Attorney?


    August 27, 2012 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    Question: Can I sue the prosecutor or Commonwealth Attorney for malicious prosecution? Answer: Probably Not.  Explanation:  In Andrews v. Ring, …
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  19. Should I have my criminal or civil case tried by a judge or a jury?


    February 26, 2012 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    There are many factors that may impact your decision to have your case tried by a judge or jury.  Some …
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  20. “Exculpatory Evidence” – Does the prosecutor have a duty to disclose information which is favorable to the accused tending to negate this guilt or show that he is innocent?


    February 26, 2012 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    With respect to evidence and witnesses, the prosecutor has responsibilities different from those of a lawyer in private practice: the …
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  21. Can I be tried twice for the same or similar charge?


    February 26, 2012 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    Double jeopardy is a procedural defense that forbids a defendant from being tried again on the same (or similar) charges …
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  22. Do I have a right to a trial by jury?


    February 26, 2012 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    Generally speaking, criminal defendants may demand a jury for all serious crimes and have their case tried by a jury …
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  23. What right do I have to confront my accuser?


    February 26, 2012 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    In a criminal case, a defendant cannot be deprived of the opportunity to put his evidence and version of the …
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  24. What are the penalties for misdemeanor convictions?


    February 26, 2012 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    § 18.2-11. Punishment for conviction of misdemeanor. The authorized punishments for conviction of a misdemeanor are: (a) For Class 1 …
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  25. What are the penalties for felony convictions?


    February 26, 2012 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    § 18.2-10. Punishment for conviction of felony; penalty. The authorized punishments for conviction of a felony are: (a) For Class …
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  26. What are my rights to a speedy trial in Virginia?


    February 25, 2012 by Tom Roberts, Esq.

    Code § 19.2-243, the speedy trial statute, provides that if a defendant accused of a felony is continuously held in …
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Thomas H. Roberts & Associates, PC